Once upon a time, long, long ago, this blog operated on a simple CMS that I built with PHP and MySQL. That system, with all of it’s wondrous bugs, lasted approximately 10 months before I crumpled it up and started over with Movable Type and valid XHTML. Long before I started connecting the wires though, I wrote this classic post about why I was choosing Movable Type over WordPress. It’s funny reading things that I wrote from that long ago. So much has changed. Since then, I’ve built several sites (both client work and personal) using each of these systems, and I actually prefer WordPress much more now. In fact, I’ve already started monkeying around on a subdomain trying to make sure I could migrate this site over when I get around to redesigning. And you know what? It would work great! WordPress does a fantastic job of importing Movable Type posts and with one simple .htaccess file I can permanently redirect all my URLs over to use much nicer ones. The admin is more intuitive, the documentation is through, and you can find plugins for anything you’d ever dream of doing. So why would I go with anything else? Well, I have two contenders in mind that I haven’t really given enough thought to: Textpattern and Expression Engine.
I haven’t really messed with any of the other CMS options as I figured I would just go with what I know. If I always did that though, I’d never learn anything new.
Malarkey – May 11th – http://www.stuffandnonsense.co.uk/malarkey/more/hello/ (ee)
D. Keith Robinson – May 7th – http://www.dkeithrobinson.com/entry/may_7th_reboot/ (ee)
Bartelme – March 25th – http://www.bartelme.at/journal/archiverealign_redesign/ (ee)
Snook – May 6th – http://snook.ca/archives/design/v8_supercharger/ (CakePHP – custom)