Here it is at 7pm (EST) on Halloween night. The “Trick-or-Treaters” are just starting to pour in and I’m here in the office with the candy bowl finalizing the switch of Jasongraphix over to it’s new default theme “Contemporary Home”. I initially started this new theme in late August to commemorate the purchase of my wife and I’s first home, but the progress was so slow that I decided to sign up for the 2nd biannual CSSReboot to give myself a solid deadline. That decision made for a tough couple weeks, but I am very happy with the results.
You can think of it as a halloween costume…that this site will be wearing for a long time. The initial “1900s Scrapbook” style theme was featured at CSSVault, Stylegala, Screenspire, i-marco’s Choice, and yes, even Jason Santa Maria’s Oddities and Diversions list. Since there are over 900 people participating in the Fall 2005 CSSReboot, I don’t suspect the new theme will receive quite as much attention, but I definitely think it’s an improvement over the old design and a much needed change of scenery.
The good news is that whether you like, or don’t like my new theme, you can change it to your own taste. If you prefer the previous the old turn-of-the-century look, just use the “select style” dropdown box on the homepage and select 1900s. If you’d rather see the site with minimal or no styling, you can do that too from the style selector. Well, the kids outiside are wearing out our doorbell and pounding on the door so I better get back to my duties as a homeowner on Halloween. Enjoy!
Update: I’m not sure how “legal” this is, and please don’t abuse it, but you can Click Here (★ ★ ★ ★ ★) to give my site a 5 star vote on CSSReboot. I got frustrated with telling people how to browse to my site to vote for it, and their system is pretty simple, so I set this up. I guess it’d only be fair if I also gave you the opportunity to give me a 1, 2, 3, or 4 as well.
“purchase of my wife and my first home”
Very nice! I like it. It’s clean and easy to read. Love the header too!
Slick theme, good work!
Thanks for the correction Ryan, but I live in SC now. I don’t have to follow grammatical rules anymore, right? That reminds me… One of Amy’s professors was lecturing a couple weeks ago and used the word “y’all”. There are a quite a few international students in the class, so after he said it he asked if they knew what “y’all” meant. He then asked if they knew what the plural of “y’all” is… “all y’all”.
Good job Jason, you’ve put together something very nice. And it does indeed look like just a redesign, and not a rearchitecture… I think some may have been expecting something that ryhmes with birdDress.
*cough chuckle chuckle*
Still a great design though. You artsy folk baffle on how you come up with such brilliant designs. Mine is based off the limited tools I know in Photoshop and I pulled off what I could. You have a knack for photo placement and cropping things correctly.
Anyway, congratulations man. This’ll do you good for another year
Thanks! No birdDress here, I’m still sticking to the approvableWipe. I have been tinkering with that OTHER publishing platform lately though. I’ve got a freelance project that I’m trying to wrap up and a website for my brother’s wedding ( that I just started that both use the presser-of-words thanks to the convenience of Dreamhost’s One-Click Install. I like what I’ve seen so far, but a rearchitecturing of this site would be quite a job. Maybe next year.
Hey, nice. I like the little rotating background on the logo. Interesting design elements too.
I like your design, good work!
Jason! I missed this two days ago obviously, but this new theme/redesign is just awesome! I love the beams at the top. I could go through and name a bunch more stuff that I like about it, but then it might be too long of a list. Really great job!
I’m loving the re-design, but I think you know that. About this pressing of words, that happens to be what I use. It seems pretty nice, but that admin interface could use some help perhaps I’ll offer some patches or plugins or something after I figure out all it wants to be able to do.
Thanks Ray! I’ve been itching to get something new up ever since you moved away from the “wicked worn” look on your site.
Really, B? I kinda like the admin section of WordPress. I think it’s well organized and mostly intuitive. Sometimes I feel like things are a little too “controlled” in the WordPress system, but I think most people would see that as a good thing.
Love it! : )
I just don’t like the opening page on the version I have, there’s way to much content. Plus, some help with the terminology would be nice.
After many late nights of hard work, you have come up with an inspired, creative and fitting new facade for your ever impressive site. You continue to amaze me with your depth of ingenuity and off-beat brilliance. I love the new site, but I love the artist more!
Someone gots the hots for the author.