Over at simpsonsmovie.com you can (among many other time-wasting activities) create your very own Simpsons avatar. It was so much fun that I decided to recreate our entire office. Unfortunately, once you’ve created your avatars, the only option is to print it out. No image download option, no myspace embed code, just print. So, I printed each avatar as a PDF and then imported all of them into Photoshop for a group portrait:

Pretty good, I’m guessin’ you’re 5th in?
A new gravatar maybe?
I was going to guess farthest left….
Ryan wins it. From left to right, it’s Me, Will, Micah, Ben, Tom, Michael, Dani, Levi, and Lauren.
eh? Your hairs darker than that! Ha,Listen to me, I’m describing you and I’ve only seen you from the bushes outside your sitting room.
I happened across the site the other day and was given the option to download it.