I DESPISE comment spam, referrer spam, and any other type of Spam that doesn’t come in a can. …and I’m not so found of the canned stuff either. I have to admit that MT Blacklist has made my life a little easier. Adding some filters on my .htaccess file has also helped to alleviate my referrer spam issues. After employing these two simple fixes, I’m down to just a few small bites of spam per week. As I started to investigate the referrer spam that was making it in, I noticed something peculiar, a lot of “Account Terminated” pages that look strikingly similar. All that was changing was the way they worded the fact that the account was terminated and the colors on the page.
I did some Googling and there is a lot of buzz about these pages out there. The one sure thing is that no account was terminated. These domains were generated for this very purpose, to be link to our blogs and get linked back to. I’m sure that these nimnods are up to something. It’s probably a scam to find blogs for which referrer links are posted. By doing this, they can better focus their spamming techniques. Because “Account Terminated” is so generic a term though, and because the rest of the text on the page is formatted so oddly (sometimes it’s not even really english), it’s hard to get search results on… Until now. Hopefully a lot of you reading this are coming from search engines wondering the same things I was. If you have any more information regarding this referrer spam, please post comments. Now…for the search engines, here’s a listing of domains with their messages. I’ve also pinged the domains for their IP, and did a whois so I could provide you with a name to blame. Notice any patterns here? Time for some good ole IP blocking.
This entire detail is now cancellation – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
The log is now being canceled – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
The entire legend is now in shutdown – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
This Following report is under TOS closing – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
The component is currently being closed – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
The index is in closing order – Due to miss-proper use of the hosting account
Domain Registered by: Sarahi Calista
This Post says that fidelityfunding.net had the same type of page up. Fidelityfunding.net though is registered to:
Administrative Contact:
Reece, Thomas (NIC-21871)
Thomas Reece
249 W 89 Street
NY, US 10024
Phone: 2128732251
Update (2/10/06) – In the last few weeks I’ve been getting a lot more spam. Not on my entire site, but on this one post. The content of this spam has been very typical, but the domains have been mostly subdomains of some of the “free website” services. I rarely get people commenting on my site that feel a need to post their links to theirdomain.blogspirit.com or msn or google groups…so I started blocking the entire domains. As I close the comments on this post, I thought I’d share a list of the domains I’ve blocked since this started happening. -Enjoy
- angelcities.com
- graffiti.net
- webspawner.com
- homepagez.com
- melbart.com
- mediamonitors.org
- freecities.com
- envy.nu
- bizhat.com
- free30.com
- questh.com
- galaxy99.net
- 1website.net
- freespaces.com
- createdollz.com
- blogspirit.com
- cyberturf.com
- zoomshare.com
- freehostltd.com
- 741.com
- myblog.de
- hostdepartment.com
- uk.groups.yahoo.com
- cybcity.com
- tollfreepage.com
- oddworldz.com
- groups.google.com
- ibnsites.com
- megaone.com
- 5u.com
- friendpages.com
- haywired.com
- kogaryu.com
- hostingisus.com
- cafe150.com
- myblog.com
- 100free.com
- bebto.com
- jamieweb.com
- blogs.ihola.net
- spaces.msn.com
- psend.com
- domaindx.com
- speedsurf.to
- webspace-kostenios.com
- xmail.net
- goto-site.net
- 10mbweb.com
We need to target Verio to shut down that server.
The spammer cycles the whois info after a while. Right now they’re on to another nonexistent person in South Dakota. Nothing is correct, except possibly the e-mail address.
The terminated notices are fake. The accounts have not been terminated. You’ll often find that another subdomain is happily working.
Well Ann, it looks like you’ve been onto this trail for a lot longer than I have. I’ll keep checking out http://www.annelisabeth.com/blog/ for updates.
For some reason this particular post is great bait for comment spam. If I have 5 new comment spams in a given day, 4 of them are on this post. It sucks that I have to go through and De-Spam them…but with every one I’m strengthening my spam filters. Thank Spam Bots…keep up the great work.
You know, just because you’re going through the extra effort of entering a lot of comment spam by hand, doesn’t mean I’m not going to add the URLs of your sites to my filter. Keep it up. My spam filter is getting stronger and stronger.
Oh, and if you’re setting up spam blogs at blog services that I’ve never had a single person use in the comments, I’ll block the whole domain. It makes it easier on myself…
Have a nice day.