Mike Davidson, you are officially the man. Or as Scrivs exclaimed in the first comment on Mike’s latest post, Hacking A More Tasteful MySpace, “You are a god amongst teenagers”! Where most self-proclaimed web professionals are squeamish about the very idea of creating a MySpace account, Mike saw it as a design challenge and produced one of the best MySpace profile page I’ve ever seen, along with a great tutorial: http://www.myspace.com/mikeindustries. I plan to jump head first into Mike’s tutorial soon, posting my experiences here, but for now here are a few other nice custom MySpace profiles.
- http://myspace.com/creamapparel
- http://myspace.com/missionarypositions
- http://www.myspace.com/chase45
- http://myspace.com/danielstephenrubin
- http://myspace.com/thebled
Update: I recently wrote a post about hosting MySpace profile images so that nobody else can use them on their profile. Most profile images on MySpace are not actually hosted on MySpace, but rather on other private servers. This is known as hotlinking, but what if you wanted to allow your profile to hotlink images from your server but not other people’s profiles. This is essentially what I’ve figured out how to do using PHP. It prevents other people from using your MySpace images and stealing your bandwidth. Check it out.
Good article. Here’s what I was able to do: myspace.com/billypalooza