An Event Apart in Atlanta

I just read this morning that the next Event Apart will be in Atlanta. That’s pretty darn close to where I live here in South Carolina. How close? Well I’ve employed the Google Maps API to show you:

I know this won’t be quite the same as making it to SXSW, but it will definitely be a lot more affordable. Hopefully the details will be announced soon.

5 comments on “An Event Apart in Atlanta

Justin Perkins says:

I’m jealous! I even thought for a second when I heard about that event how far of a drive it’d be to Atlanta, but then I came to my senses (I’ve done enough driving to Sacramento and back).

I’m thinking that’s going to be a pricey little affair (more than all of SXSWi), hope you can get work to spring for it.

Justin Perkins says:

$500 is about what I was thinking.
Not to talk down about those events (I’m surely going to try to go if they come near Austin), but that’s enough to pay for a SXSWi full pass and leave you with over $300 extra to pay for a hotel. Damn.

I did some searching to see if I could find out how much the Philly event was. Apparently the earlybird pre-sale price was about $500. So yea, that may be prohibitively expensive unless I can get some help. Perhaps a “Send Jason to Atlanta” Paypal donation link is forthcoming.

Ryan says:

Shucks. Your images come over RSS so nicely, but the map doesn’t. Makes sense–just interesting to note.

Justin Perkins says:

Yup, $500 indeed, but that’s just the early bird price 🙂

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