I’m still a few more weeks away from re-launching the new jasongraphix, but I’ve been making great progress with Movable Type and learning lots of new tricks. One of my goals with the re-design was to make the site as dynamic as possible by breaking the design into independent php modules that I can include anywhere. One such module, actually contains the menu for my site, and I ran into a minor problem last night. The menu is actually an unordered list that depends on an id=”active” identifier to change it’s style.
If the menu was actually copied onto every page, I would only have to place the identifier on whatever li was active and be done with it. With the menu in a php file that is included on every page this is a little more difficult. I originally thought I could pass a variable to the include to let it know what menu item to affect, but I knew there had to be a better way, to contain everything in the menu include.
The first idea that came to mind was the php function PHP_SELF. PHP_SELF can be used to get the URL of the page that the browser is on. For Instance, if we were at
http://www.jasongraphix.com/archive/directory/directory/index.php and used:
<?php echo ($_SERVER[PHP_SELF]); ?>
We would see the string:
Ok, so that’s a neat trick. The problem was breaking a good variable like “archive” out of that mess. I know I could do this by writing a regular expression, but I REALLY don’t like regular expressions. I infact loath regular expressions. Sorry Nathan.
The solution: explode()
My inner B&B voice says “Fire,fire,fire heh,heh,heh“.
Explode actually takes a string (like our long URL) and brakes it into an array of values by a specified character. In our case that character is “/”.
With that in mind, I was able to write up a function to get the variable I needed:
<?php $target = $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; $foo = explode('/', $target); $menupage = $foo[1]; ?>
With menupage defined, I can then write up my menu like:
<ul id="navlist"> <li<?php if($menupage==""){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/">Home</a></li> <li<?php if($menupage=="archive"){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/archive/">Archive</a></li> <li<?php if($menupage=="portfolio"){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/portfolio/">Folio</a></li> <li<?php if($menupage=="artwork"){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/artwork/">Artwork</a></li> <li<?php if($menupage=="about"){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/about/">About</a></li> <li<?php if($menupage=="resume"){echo(' id="active"');}?>> <a href="/resume/">Resume</a></li> </ul>
And viola! A completely dynamic menu include that automagically finds out where it’s at, and makes my menu reflect it by inserting a much needed id=”active” identifier.
//problem in PHP portal
We have to pass few values in URL to next page. The thing is that, we cannot post the data using form posting or we cannot show the long urls using GET method. Is there any way we can encode the data into some string [wich some specific name assigned to it] and the name will only appear in the URL rather than the whiole querystring?
in the next page I can use the reverse method to extract the values again from encoded string passed in the URL’s
Dadasaheb T. Honde
So you want to pass one word across the query string and have that word be associated with a certain combination of answers? I’m not sure I follow what you’re trying to do or why. Perhaps you need to look into storing your data in session. Or maybe using cookies?
Thanks for your interest. what i was trying to achieve is i will generate an encoded identifier for the data i wanted to pass using GET and i can decode /decrypt the identifier to get back the data out of it at the other end.
yeah, the obvious alternatives are sessions and cookies but i was just finding a way if I can transfer encoded data in URL’s
Thanks you,
Dadasaheb T. Honde