I just had about 800 calories for lunch: Grilled Beef Patty, Macaroni and Cheese (Mexican Style), 2 pieces of Wheat Snack Bread, and some Nacho Cheese filled pretzels. According to the packaging this is Menu No. 8 Hamburger Patty. It was actually a pretty good lunch, but even after running 4 miles this morning, I probably shouldn’t have eaten the whole thing.
After hurricanes Frances and Jeanne cut through my hometown of Vero Beach, the National Guard was there passing out water, ice, and these meals. So this weekend, when my sister-in-law and her boyfriend came up for the Gator game, they brought some for me and Amy. It would have made a great meal for camping or hiking since they’re pretty much good forever, but I thought it would make a great novelty lunch in the office.
For those looking for something fun to do with the heater pack in an MRE, Chris (our programmer with military experience) says that pouring about 3-4 of the small bottles of Tabasco in the pouch will create a “pepper-spray like gas”. Fun! Unfortunately I opted for a warm hamburger patty rather than a dangerous prank.