Tag: nerds

10 Tips for SXSWi Noobs

Over the past month I’ve been asked at least a dozen times if I’m going to SXSW Interactive 2011. This would have been my 5th consecutive trek to Austin and while I’m sad to miss it, I’ll be relocating to Atlanta at the end of March and desperately need that week to get packed for the move. So, to the friends I see there every year, have an extra drink at one of the sponsored, open-bar parties…it’s on me.

For those of you who are heading to Southby for this fist time this year, you’re in for an exciting ride. From the buzz I’ve heard, SXSWi 2011 is shaping up to be an exciting year. A friend of mine asked on Twitter last night if I had any tips for first-timers. I figured it’d make a good blog post too, so here are my top 10 tips for enjoying SXSWi…

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