Tag: shoes

Running Farther

When I started getting into OneWheel riding in 2021, I was a little worried that it might take away from my already infrequent running routine. Instead, I’ve found that it actually inspired me to get outside even more. For several years now, I’ve had a personal goal of going for a 5k run once a week. In practice, that ended up being about every other week. This year, I pushed a little harder on that goal…

Still Running

Like most parents of young children, there are a lot of things which I used to really enjoy, that I have trouble finding time for these days. I don’t travel to many conferences, I don’t take on as many DIY projects, and I’m definitely not writing as much as I used to on here. One thing that I’ve tried to maintain is my consistently infrequent running routine. Back in 2013, I wrote a post sharing some of my running data. I’ve continued to track all of my runs since then, so I was curious how I’ve been doing. As it turns out, not so bad…

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