Two Weeks Before Christmas

This post was imported from a blog called Contemporation where Amy and I wrote about the renovation of our 80’s contemporary home in Atlanta. That blog is no more but I wanted the content to live on.

Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through the house,
construction buzzed along as I missed my silly daughter and spouse.


The new framing and lighting was hung in the loft with care,
in hopes that Adelyn soon would sleep there.


My girls were nestled at Grandma Nonnah & Ed’s,
while visions of a new fireplace danced in their heads.

Heatnglo Cosmo 42 Gas Fireplace

And our G.C. in his boots, and I in my cap,
had just settled on what parts of the wall to unwrap.

House Wrap

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my kitchen desk to see what was the matter.

Kitchen Desk

Away to the side yard I flew like a flash,
as workers tore off the chimney and threw it into the trash.

Buh Bye, Chimney

The recessed lights in the dust-covered foyer did glow,
giving lustre of mid-day to new Jeld-Wen windows below.


When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but 2 new outlet boxes from which to hang giant pendant gear.


Where there once was a pulley shaft with a half-wall quite thick,
there was now a new floor system, solid as brick.

New Play Nook

That’s all of the progress I have to report for today,
except for these shelves I hung for our coffee display.

Coffee Shelf

Here’s hoping our contractors will be soon out of sight,
until then, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.

One comment on “Two Weeks Before Christmas

amber g says:

Too witty!! Great job, love those pendants!!

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