Mike Davidson, you are officially the man. Or as Scrivs exclaimed in the first comment on Mike’s latest post, Hacking A More Tasteful MySpace, “You…
Conditional Advertising
I have entered the dark side. I now serve Google Adsense ads on my site. I mentioned this idea last week and that I…
Blogging For Profit?
When it comes to making money from my personal site, I generally shy away from the idea. I’ve been a banner-ad/popup/sidebar-ad hater since I first…
ActiveX Update Woes
Are all of your client sites April 11th Compliant? I’ve spent much of my day so far going through client websites (many of which we…
CSS Naked Day
Ever since Dustin got back from SxSW, he’s been all about the public nudity. To continue this lascivious trend, he’s declared April 5th, 2006 to…