Duoseptuagenuple Stuf Oreo

You know you’ve always wanted to do this…but you never did. One package of Double Stuf Oreos has thirty-six cookies. Each cookie is “double stuffed” which means there is enough of the good stuff in there for seventy-two Oreo cookies. So what would you call it if you stacked all that gooey goodness into ONE MASSIVE COOKIE? According to http://www.inrebus.com/uplelist.php, the answer is a Duoseptuagenuple Stuf Oreo.

Oreo Package and Cheese Slicer.

Stuf removal begins.

The final oreo tower from above.

That's one big Oreo!

73 comments on “Duoseptuagenuple Stuf Oreo

Paul says:

You’re going to need a pneumatic jack to open your mouth so that’ll fit!

😮 (burp.)


I think Paul wins the battle of the descriptive emoticons. 😀 Have fun eating that one my friend. 😛

Craig says:

That’s quite a spectacle. Thanks for sharing.

Ray says:

Dude, that is hilarious! I don’t know if that’s funny or sad that you spent the time scraping all the stuff all the cookies. 🙂 Now you just need to find a way to grind all the cookies up and reform them into two giant cookies, while squishing all the stuffing into one giant “Double Stuf” (or “Duoseptu-something Stuf”. Now THAT would be great.

I threw in a blink tag since I couldn’t let you have all the fun…

I thought of doing this once. Never would have thought of the cheese slicer though. Brilliant!

Dude that’s crazy-awesome. You have my 100% approval.

maria says:

what would THAT glass of milk look like? 🙂


wow. it’s so beautiful. you totally got to get on Ray’s one giant cookie idea.

Hamish M says:

Ah, so that’s what you were tweeting about the other day. Nice! 😛

This insanity just reminded me of a website that Megan Fanelli sent me one day. Pimp that Snack… They did massive versions of random stuff, Reese’s cups, Sour Patch Kids and even a giant Oreo.

Anton says:

I’ve taken them up to four or five cookies before without the slicer, but… wow.

You win.

Narcolyptic says:

My friend and I have already done this! We did two whole double stuff boxes though! And that was quite some time ago!

Narcolyptic says:

Sorry to double post by I thought I should mention that we did it in our AP Senior English class while watching hamlet, using only the cookie tops and bottoms to remove the stuffing. It took a little over two days.

Paul Pettross says:

I bow down in a supine pose. So rad, so rad . . .

Mike says:

Yummy! Almost equivalent to the Oreo commercials where the whole city is flooded with Oreo cream :p

Ricky says:

actually i did do that:


and i ate the whole thing too.

My eight year old brother does things like this with his oreos. Fine with me: all oreos are GROSS.

Rob says:

I envy you! You are a much smarter person than I will ever be!

That’s amazing. I would have never thought of using a cheese slicer. Mmmm. cheese!

Tony says:

Oreos are good, especially with cold milk. But, THIS MUCH pure sugar “creamy filling” is just about enough to gross me out…

Beast says:

That’s the best reason I’ve seen to put oneself into a diabetic come

Beast says:


blah says:

that is really stupid and idiotic..y would u do that??? and no i would NEVER WANT TO DO THAT!!
Grow Up…

babysalesman says:

to blah:

Just because we’re older now doesn’t mean we have to pretend that fun things aren’t still fun.

RAWR says:

What a WASTE! you could feed a whole family in Africa for a week with that

Jake says:

to RAWR. no he couldn’t because if he shipped that to africa it would expire before it arrived and would probably be smashed anyway =P

stacyt says:

that is beautiful.

rorke says:

Your Do-in it wrong….

Web3 says:

Hehe that is monster bourbon goodness 🙂

Max Gizmo says:

oh my god 🙂 haven’t you got anything better to do ?
haha i must admit it’s amusing

yfewsy says:


Jai Bronson says:

And thats how the cookie crumbles

anon says:

thats brilliant, i’v done it on a smaller scale, and i carved the bumps off the edges, so it looked manufactured. (i used 5 oreos) but yours it by far the greatest cookie snack i’ve ever seen

man_yolk says:

Photoshoopoo. The pix-dawgs are fucked. I’ve been to so many ‘shops, they call me the Shopmaster. I like some oreo as much as the next guy, but stop ‘shopping shit.

I don’t know why this old post became so popular over the weekend, but the comments are hilarious. Even the stupid ones. Keep’m Coming.

The post has probably become popular because it’s cropped up on stumbleupon.

Incidentally, this is the second time I’ve seen that final picture today bizarrely, it’s appeared at http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/ too (which might be the other reason you’re getting traffic!)

Veronica says:

Pure awesome. Excelsior!

Preston says:

To Paul (very first comment):

That’s what she said

Aeroflame says:

I can’t remember WHO it was, but someone said they hated oreo’s, HOW THE HELL CAN YOU HATE OREO’S? and FYI i found this using Stumbleupon and its funnnnn

woooooooooh im not high at all, well maybe just a little too much OREO CREAM!!!

Greg says:

So I and a friend of mine made a video a couple of years ago called oreo stax you should check it out.

ardie says:

It’s also on tastespotting, though I have no idea why! enjoy your new diabetes as well, haha!

Borellus says:

Wow, I wonder if I could do that with jafa cakes?

Would be a bit different, but I might just try it.

Evie says:

That is the most amazing Idea ever and you have increased my desire for Oreo Cookies.

saryb says:


on a more serious note,i have never wanted to eat oreo’s so much in my life. why the hell didn’t i think of this?

Ricky ate the whole thing? Ricky, you are my hero….

Marisigh says:

How revolting. I scrape the “stuff” out and throw it away. On the other hand, do you have plans for all those lovely, de-stuffed chocolate wafer cookies? They go lovely with a nice cup of tea…

tommy says:

Cool. I like to eat a few Oreos right before I get my teeth cleaned.

doreen says:

Oh my gosh, it’s my childhood dream!

adam says:

ahah. we did this back at band camp a few years back. good stuff, though I’d like to see you eat it whole.

aaron says:

if you ever do another experiment, i suggest the mint double stuffs. this stuff seems to have a thin coating of lubricant, thus allowing the cookie engineer to dislodge pieces easily and completely, leaving no bits of stuff behind on the useless wafers. also, it’s green…and minty.

markie says:

If anyone eats that, they’ll get the trots soooo bad…

Don’t ask…

nixi says:

Dude, INSTANT heart attack.

mike says:


Phil E. Drifter says:


Iggymo says:

dude…your on drugs. Stop playing video games and start looking at the world around you. Learn some physica nd get a feel for tangible things in life. I’m not talking about a game controller either….

iamthedonkey says:


Iggymo says:

Phil and Man_yolk….not photoshopped. Each layer is too unique to be cloned objects. Stop tearing down others fun just to make you feel better about your small p…. well nevermind. You probably are mad because your feeble minds didn’t have the creativity to think of this in the first place. Anyway, it would take more time to shop it then do it! Drop it and let people have fun, stop dragging others down by your “Expertise” in PS. (Who cares anyway?) YUM YUM Oreo tower of Pisa!

jon says:

You…DO realize that the whole “photoshop” thing has become a big stumbleupon joke, right?

Stefan says:

Very cool stuff. Just linked it to my food-blog:


jack says:

you should shoot at it with an airsoft gun

Cassidy says:

Lol i think this is amazing =D have fun eat ing that XD

Glugalump says:

Cheater, cheater, oreo eater!

Impressive but it doesn’t count if you use a cheese slicer, you need to self divide the cream from the cookie!!

Cheryl says:

haha That’s fantastic, thank you for sharing!

Grant says:

that is both the most beautiful and disgusting thing that i have ever seen.

Aisling says:

dot dot dot… dude…. don’t kill urself


Aisling says:


DanielS says:

I’ve eaten a whole package of oreo’s when I was a kid, I bet you could however I’m curious on just what percent of that one cookie is “lard” being it’s very high on the ingredient list 😀


Sueper says:

I dont like oreos

Eric says:

Haha, I did this once in grade 8. It resulted in my friend and I throwing up at the bottom of the driveway… too much of a good thing. good times anyway 🙂

robb says:

whose mouth can really open that wide to ate it ?
unless u put it horizontally then maybe yes.
i like the idea, though.

fryjak says:

dayyumn, your Oreo’s a much bigger then ours in the UK =(

Joline says:

Omg! That’s the best oreo cookie ever! I want it soooooo much! XD

Sam says:

that is so very excellent. i love it.

Dad says:

Jason I think you have far to much time on your hands.

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