December 29, 2022: I updated the charts below after finishing my last run for December. I also ran an 8mi route in November at a 9:17 average pace. Pretty happy with how this year of running turned out.
When I started getting into OneWheel in 2021, I was a little worried that it might take away from my already infrequent running routine. Instead, I’ve found that it actually inspired me to get outside even more. For several years now, I’ve had a personal goal of going for a 5k run once a week. In practice, that ended up being about every other week.
This year, I pushed a little harder on that goal and ran at least 10 miles every month except June when I had Covid. To make up for some of those lost summer miles, I decided in August to shoot for twice a week. By the end of the month, I started mixing in some 4 mile routes. Then, on a random Tuesday morning in September, I mapped out a 10k route and ran that distance for the first time since 2013. Since then, I’ve been alternating between 10k and 4.1 miles each week. Here’s what the year looks like so far.
As those monthly mile counts increased, I started wondering how 2022 compares to my past running data. I looked back at a post I wrote in 2019 and was surprised to discover that I had beat my total distance for any of the past 3 years by the end of August and have already racked up more miles than any other year since I started tracking my runs over a decade ago.
It’s always strange for me to look back at old blog entries. I totally forgot that I wrote that post as I was breaking in a new pair of running shoes. Since then, I wore those out and started on a fresh pair of Asics GEL-Nimbus 22 this January.
In less than a year, I’m already approaching the same mileage that it took over 2 years to put on my last pair of running shoes. The farthest I’ve ever gone in a single run was 7 miles in 2013. While I don’t see myself running a marathon (or even a half) anytime soon, I’d like to try for 8 sometime soon and see how those charts look at the end of the year.