I already posted about Amy and I’s anniversary on amesnjas.com, so I don’t really want to duplicate that post here, but I don’t want to let the day just pass by either. Especially since I have an archive of our first and second anniversaries here already. I can hardly believe it’s been three years since we tied the knot. Even when looking at the pictures from our wedding, it feels like it was only yesterday. On amesnjas.com, I mentioned that we’ve now been married for half the time we’ve been together. So, to celebrate 6 years of being with Amy, I thought I’d share a moment from the year we started dating.

It was the Fall of 2000. Ames had just started taking classes at the Florida Institute of Technology and I had just started my second year at the University of Central Florida. UCF was just an hour or so away from FIT, so we spent most of our weekends together in either Orlando or Melbourne. At the time, UCF wasn’t very good at football, but we had a blast at every home game hanging out with my friends from Campus Crusade and buddies from the crew team. Things have changed so much since then, but I have to say it has been a fun ride. Thanks for so many great memories Amy, and I look forward to making many more with you.
Congrats to the both of you!
Sorry for so late comment but it remembered me about my wedding day!!It was also like yesterday!