It is November 2nd, so I should point out the title isn’t a political statement. Or maybe it is.
Update: Nope. Definitely not a political statement.
Regardless, welcome to the 20th Century! That’s the surprise theme I picked for the redesign of jasongraphix. It’s a little bit wicked worn, a little bit Carousel of Progress, and a whole lot of turn-of-the-century postcard art.
Most of the images you will see in this theme are either inspired by, or are photoshopped scans of actual postcards from the early 1900s. The story behind the theme goes back to February of 2003, when my wife, my sister, my brother and I took a photography trip to an old abandoned house that was soon to be destroyed to make room for commercial property. My hometown of Vero (aka Zero) Beach, isn’t known as much except a sleepy beach town, and the home of Indian River Fruit. Recently however, Vero has made headlines as ground zero for both hurricanes Frances and Jeanne.

The abandoned, overgrown, Spanish-style house was located along state road 60, and had no-doubt been a shelter for the homeless and vagrant since its last owners moved out.

It sat way back on several acres of property which also featured a two-story guesthouse and an amazing algae filled pool.

The mansion-like home was in a very dilapidated state, but with at least 6 bedrooms that we counted, it was definitely awe inspiring.

Inside and out the house was a bit spooky. The guest house looked like it had recently partially burned down. I’m not one to get creeped out, but this picture from one of the burned rooms of the guesthouse still gives me goosebumps.

Although there was no furniture left in the house, the garages and shed were littered with all sorts of dated trash. Old games, golf clubs, a Christmas tree stand, children’s toys, rusty paint cans, etc. It was an amazing assortment of junk. We decided against taking anything from the house, but on the way out of the shed, trampled and scattered on the ground, was an old postcard scrapbook that I picked up. As a graphic design student at the time, I was amazed at how well preserved this collection of turn-of-the-century media was. I’ve always wanted to do something with the graphical ideas I got from that find, and now, over a year later I’ve redesigned my website around it.
…this reminds me of “the grudge” somehow… s.p.o.o.k.y.! the picture of the teddy is too sad in itself. hope someone will take care of him soon….