Last weekend, Ames and I took a road trip down to Ikea in Atlanta to look at bedroom furniture and do some shopping. While we didn’t come back with any furniture, we did get a few Christmas presents and decor items for the house. While Ikea’s prices are great, their pictogram-based assembly instructions and product information can sometimes be hard to decipher. Below is the product information from a candle we bought while we were there. I think Ames and I figured out what all the symbols mean, but I thought I’d post it here to get some explanation as to why “Candle X” attracts dogs and boys, and exactly what time of day our new candle will gravitate toward our wireless router.

I think the photo with the child and dog suggests keeping the candle away from them.
I could be way off here, but I think the “wireless router” is a wood stove, and the candle is melting quicker near the wood stove, causing it to tip. I still don’t know what they’re trying to say about it.
Those are quite possibly the most unintuitive icons I have ever seen…
I like the one where you aren’t supposed to let Rapunzel’s hair blow through the window and touch the candle.
Why are you suposed to cut off the top of your sleeveless shirt?
They would probably have been better off with printed warnings. I can see the lawsuites now… My house burned down and I had nothing to wear b/c I cut up all my shirts as indicated in the picture.
So are pictures still worth 1,000 words?
1. Don’t leave unattended, it may steal furniture.
2. Keep animals and children away, candles are know for beasteality and child molestation.
3. 7cm on erection.
4 & 5. Given the chance it will escape, keep away from open windows.
6. May attack routers.
7. Any ‘musical chairs’ losers must leave.
8. No “Gangsta’ leanin'”, it only promotes the “Gangsta'” life.
9. Candles and matches should never be left alone unless candle has been nuetered.
10. Be resposible, neuter your candle.
11. Circumcise if nessecary.
12. May be used to burn old Dunce caps.