Off-Road Camry

Top 5 reasons why a Toyota Camry does not make a good off-road vehicle.

  • Underpowered – The Camry’s 4 cylinder engine just doesn’t have the juice needed for mountain climbing and swamp-buggy-like activities.
  • Ground Clearence – With fewer than 10 inches of air between the ground and the underbody of the Camry, it’s a wonder this vehicle makes it over speedbumps and railroad crossings, much less hills and streams.
  • Traction – Even with a moderate lift job, the Camry’s standard tires have little affect on muddy, slippery terrains.
  • Tow Points – You just can’t find them when that Camry’s stuck in the mud – which is the only time you’d want to know where they are.
  • No 4 Wheel Drive – A necessity for all off-road vehicles. If you can’t get power to all 4 tires, you’re probably not going to get far enough away from a road to escape the glow of the nearest street-lights.

Sorry Ames, I couldn’t resist.

2 comments on “Off-Road Camry

breese says:

Underpowered – The Camry’s 4 cylinder engine just doesn’t have the juice needed for mountain climbing and swamp-buggy-like activities.

What happened to the other two cylinders? I thought the camery had 6 cyclinders.

Was the off road worthyness of the Camry determined by experience?


Jason says:

The 1997 Camry came with and optional V6 engine. Our Camry only bangs on 4 though. And yea, it got stuck…in the mud. Luckily we were able to get someone with 4 wheel drive to pull it out.

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