Just a quick post to let you all know I’ve moved my RSS feed to Feedburner. Please take a moment to swap out the URL in your reader with http://feeds.feedburner.com/jasongraphix
If you don’t do this, you will always get to see this lovely post as my latest. That is, until the old feed URLs don’t exist anymore. Why wouldn’t they exist anymore? Wouldn’t you like to know? Actually, I’m quite proud to announce that I’ve started on a major redesign ofthis site. At the same time, I’m a little leery about admitting that fact as I have no idea how long it will take. It might be January, or it might be the Spring, or it might even be when Expression Engine 2.0 is publicly released – who knows? All I can say is that “I’m working on it!”. So re-subscribe to the new feed address, have a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the holiday season.