Standing Desk Balance Board

I sit at a desk all day. It’s a standing desk, so I’d like to spend more time on my feet but sitting is just more convenient. I’ve tried setting reminders to stand, but have a hard time making it a habit, and rarely stay off my chair for more than an hour at a time. Sound familiar?

Harbor Freight 6×8 Greenhouse

If you’ve ever looked into getting an inexpensive residential greenhouse, then you have almost certainly come across the One Stop Gardens 6 Ft. X 8 Ft. Greenhouse. Available exclusively though Harbor Freight, they are loved by many for their simple, sturdy, long-lasting design.

100 Mile Onewheel Pint Review

In May, I finally did it. After a year and a half of deliberation, I bought a Onewheel Pint. While I do enjoy occasional mountain bike rides, and running on a semi-regular basis, I am neither an extreme sports enthusiast nor an athlete. As a frugal, 40 year old parent of 2 elementary-age kiddos, I also find it hard to justify spending money on myself these days, especially for things I don’t need. Do any of these factors make me regret my decision? Not at all!


I feel like I say this every year, but it’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that Amy and I said “I do” 18 years ago. Our anniversaries seem to come by faster and faster, but there’s nobody else I’d rather be on this adventure with.

Open Floor Surgery

So relieved! About a month ago, our AC drain line backed up, the shutoff failed, and quite a bit of water leaked into our return vent. I thought I caught it in time and vacuumed up the water. A week or so later, the floors in the hall and living room started buckling. That laminate flooring runs through most of the house. It’s not available anymore and we only had a few salvage pieces from when we renovated the kitchen.

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