This story was originally published on Design at Sprout Social. Our team is planning to share a new post every month, so if you enjoy…
Family Favorite Weeknight Dinners
Like most families with elementary-age kiddos, dinner time can be a struggle in our house. Eating out hits the weekly budget pretty hard and even though Ames and I both enjoy cooking, trying new or adventurous recipes becomes a game of “will they eat it?” roulette. For those reasons, we try to stick with tried-and-true family favorites, sneaking in something interesting now and then when we’re feelin’ lucky.
The Pool Renovation Project
When we bought our mid-century Orlando home in the summer of 2018, the pool was one of the biggest selling points. Our kids were 6 and 4 at the time and we were spending many weekends looking for places to swim. Thanks to a pool inspection before closing, we knew in advance that we were committing to an inevitable renovation project.
Don’t call it a redesign!
It’s more like a sneaky reskinning or a slightly-modified theme swap. No matter how we talk about this personal site refresh, it was long overdue. To understand my objection to the term “redesign”, we need to rewind this VHS tape back a bit…
Design Team Blogroll
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about writing and how beneficial it is (especially for designers) to connect and share with our broader communities of practice through storytelling. It can be scary to put content out into the world, even more so when you’re representing a team. Sharing our processes, experiments, failures, and aha moments though is the best way for all of us to learn. Blogging regularly as a team has the added benefit of creating a window into the culture of our organizations, providing a glimpse of what working there is like.